Vous voulez étudier et obtenir un diplôme français en Egypte ? C’est possible !
Droit, économie, sciences politiques, commerce, gestion, ingénierie, architecture et langues : ces filières francophones d’excellence sont le fruit de la solide coopération académique entre l’Egypte et la France.
The French Department of Management of Alexandria (DFGA) is located at the Faculty of Commerce of the University of Alexandria in the Soteir neighborhood since 2008.
This department trains future managers and decision makers in all areas of management (finance, accounting, management control, audit, marketing strategy, organization, human resources management, production management, etc.), with a perfect command of three languages (French, English, Arabic). The DFGA offers Egyptian and French double degrees in the framework of the European LMD system (License / Master / Doctorate). It leads to a double degree: the Bachelor of Management Sciences issued by the University of Poitiers (IAE Poitiers) and the Bachelor of Commerce, issued by the University of Alexandria.
During the four years of study, the student obtains the Certificate of International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) and the Certificate of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP).
In addition, a practical training course (internship) of at least one month is required for all students to obtain their license.
The DFGA uses dynamic, interactive and motivating work methods (case studies, presentations, company visits, group work, very close to the professional world).


The selection process takes into account the following criteria:
- Your success rate at "sanaweya amma"
- Your certificate in French language (DELF B2 minimum)
- The results of the written test of French common to the French-speaking departments as well as a selection interview
- Special conditions for foreign and international bachelor's degrees
Website: http://www.alex-commerce.edu.eg/
Faculty of Commerce - Alexandria University
Port Said Road - El Shatby, in front of the Alexandria Library - Alexandria, Egypt
Head of the Department: Dr. Hanane Elzeiny
Email: elzeiny.hanane@yahoo.fr
To contact DFGA by post
From Egypt:
French Department of Management of Alexandria (DFGA)
University of Alexandria - Faculty of Commerce
Port Said Road - El Shatby, in front of the Alexandria Library
From France
DFGA - French Institute in Egypt
Embassy of France in Egypt
s/c Valise diplomatique
92438 Châtillon Cedex