There are 3500 institutions of Higher Education in France (universities, specialized institutes or schools, etc.). Not all the institutions are connected with Campus France or require to send your application through Campus France.
What does "connected with Campus France" means?
The institutions connected with Campus France have an access to the Etudes en France platform. They can thus access your online file and once the interview with Campus France is done, they will analyse your submitted application and answer through the platform (acceptation or refusal).
Some institutions require other steps in parallel (their own procedure):
- competitive test concours or examens
- file or portfolio
- registration on a different site
- parallel procedure with a double registration on their site and on Études en France platform
Pay attention to the indications mentioned in the descriptions of the chosen formations!

Other connected institutions may also use the Études en France platform only to mention a pre-registration as part of the pre-consular procedure for the visa application. Always check the site of the university to make sure of the prerequisites and the corresponding procedure.
List of universities connected with Campus France
Les établissements NON "connectés" avec Campus France
For any program not connected with Campus France, consult the site of the university for the prerequisites and the corresponding procedure.
The applications to institutions that are not connected to Campus France (with the exception of Licence 1/Bachelor 1 and DUT Programs, which must go through Campus France), are made directly to the institutions. The student goes through Campus France only for the pre-consular visa application procedure.
For holders of a French baccalaureate (S, ES, L) wishing to apply in first year in France, applications are made through Parcoursup platform.