French Section of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science - FESP

Pays concerné(s)

Vous voulez étudier et obtenir un diplôme français en Egypte ? C’est possible ! 

Droit, économie, sciences politiques, commerce, gestion, ingénierie, architecture et langues : ces filières francophones d’excellence sont le fruit de la solide coopération académique entre l’Egypte et la France.


Founded in 1994, the French Section of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science - FESP (Filière Francophone d'Économie et de Sciences Politiques - FESP) located in the Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Cairo University, is the result of prestigious partnerships between: University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Sciences Po School.

Supported by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, via the French Institute in Egypt (IFE) and the French Embassy in Egypt, the FESP offers a four-year of education leading to a degree in economics or political science from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne issued after the third year and the Egyptian "baccalaureos" issued after the fourth year. Since 2018, the FESP also offers programmes in English leading to the Master 1/Master 2 degrees in Development Economics (Masters in Development Economics) from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

As a trilingual department of excellence (French, Arabic and English) in economics and political science, the FESP aims to train the future political and economic decision-makers by providing them with the tools of analysis and reflection essential for decision-making.








Phone: +20(0)2 35 71 88 99 et +20(0)2 37 74 30 16

Fax: +20(0)2 35 71 88 99


Faculty of Economics and Political Science - 3rd floor
Cairo University
El Doctor Ahmed Zoweil Street (formerly Tharwat Street)
Giza - Egypt
Metro Station: Cairo University (Line 2 - Giza-Shubra)


Filière d'Économie et de Sciences Politiques - FESP

To contact FESP by post

From Egypt:

FESP - Faculty of Economics and Political Science

Cairo University

Al Orman, 12613, Giza



From France:

French-speaking department in Economics and Political Sciences

Embassy of France in Egypt

s / c  Valise diplomatique

92438 Châtillon Cedex


Follow the main steps to come study in France
